India Stakeholder Analysis Project Report


Established in 2019, WomenLift Health is committed to expanding the power and influence of talented women in global health and catalyzing systemic change to achieve gender equality in health leadership. With Hubs in East Africa, North America, South Asia, Southern Africa, and with plans for further expansion into other regions, WomenLift Health envisions a world where diverse, accomplished leaders collectively transform health outcomes. As an effort to launch their program in India, WomenLift Health undertook a stakeholder analysis in partnership with LEAD at Krea University. The study aimed to understand the barriers and opportunities existing within the institutional landscape in India for enabling women’s leadership in health.

The study involved a landscape analysis, secondary data review, and key informant interviews with 40 men and women leaders and executive level representatives of health organisations from across seven stakeholder categories in India. The stakeholder categories identified were as follows: international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), local NGOs, government institutions, universities, private sector entities, philanthropy organisations, and multilateral organisations.