Emily Stong

PEPFAR Project Officer Team Lead
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Emily Stong, PEPFAR Project Officer Team Lead, CDC
Emily Stong, the PEPFAR Project Officer Team Lead at the Centers for Disease Control Division of Global HIV/TB, drives global collaboration and accountability among partners. With an extensive background overseeing CDC’s largest PEPFAR partnerships, Emily serves as the lead for supporting local partner leadership, specifically related to local partner fiscal and accountability issues in accordance with CDC and PEPFAR public health program goals, objectives, and policies. She is also the CDC representative for the PEPFAR interagency working group on national capacity building. Joining the CDC in 2012, Emily contributes her extensive experience to advance global public health goals. Emily holds an MPH from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Austin and is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Public Health at Georgia State University. Prior to her CDC role, she worked as a newspaper reporter and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Senegal.
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