Liz Turner

Associate Professor of Biostatistics & Global Health
Duke University
Elizabeth Turner

2021 Leadership Journey Project: Improving health impact: Building in the gender lens

Liz Turner is an Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Global Health at Duke University and Director of the Research Design and Analysis Core at the Duke Global Health Institute. She is an expert in the design and analysis of global health trials, particularly those with clustered designs (e.g., cluster randomized and stepped wedge designs).

The main focus of Liz’s research through these global health trials is the evaluation of public health and behavioral interventions. Examples include community-based malaria interventions to improve targeting of malaria treatment and the evaluation of mental health interventions delivered through task-shifting, whereby non-mental health specialists deliver interventions, typically group-based interventions. These studies have taken place in diverse settings including China, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania and the USA.

In addition to evaluating effectiveness of global health interventions and innovations, many global health trials also focus on questions related to real-world implementation. It is within this space that Liz contributes both her biostatistical expertise and her experience in building partnerships with collaborators. Moreover, her reach is felt through the work conducted by all members of the Research Design and Analysis Core. With its mission “to use rigorous design and analytic methods to strengthen global health research and education”, the Core embodies Liz’s passion for improving health equity globally.

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