Debra Prosnitz

Gender Equity Advisor
CDC Foundation
Debra Prosnitz, Gender Equity Advisor, CDC Foundation
Debra Prosnitz (she/her) is a gender advisor and global health and development professional with more than 15 years of experience in community health, gender, program design, and surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME). She has provided SME capacity strengthening and technical assistance through USAID and WHO-funded projects and global leadership on gender and health data under the Bloomberg Philanthropy-funded Data for Health Initiative. Debra has done work at the intersection of gender, climate/natural resource management, and health including providing training and technical assistance on gender integration in multiple contexts and technical areas ranging from infectious disease to climate risk assessment. She has also written and advised on gender and SME. Debra is passionate about gender justice and works to actively address racism and sexism with an intersectional approach.
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