Adele Waugaman

Senior Digital Health Advisor
Adele Waugaman, Senior Digital Health Advisor, USAID
Adele is Senior Digital Health Advisor at USAID, seated in the Center for Innovation and Impact (CII) in the Bureau for Global Health. In this role she curates digital health policy development and implementation including for the USAID Digital Health Vision, the Agency’s first dedicated policy guidance related to investments in digital technologies that support country-based health programs. Previously she managed a $30M public-private partnership between the Vodafone and the United Nations foundations, and founded and led a digital development consultancy providing support to clients including the World Bank and OECD. She has authored and edited reports on trends at the intersection of digital technologies and development, including Fighting Ebola with Information, and Disaster Relief 2.0. A former fellow at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, she holds an MA in International Affairs from the George Washington University and BA in from Bard College, with study abroad at Sciences Po-Paris, and the University of the Western Cape in South Africa.
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